
A great story that happened during ISGA XII

September, 17 2015     Photo Gallery

ISGA XII has meant a huge workload, before, during and after the Symposium, that we have gladly carried out thanks to the attendants' priceless cooperation. Sharing it with all of you has been a really enriching experience, not only at scientific level but also human. Now that it feels just like a nice memory in our minds and we all are very much looking forward next edition in Australia, we would like to share with you a beautiful story that we had the pleasure to witness during the conference.

Professor Mario Fernández, form Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, came from Mexico but he is originally Cuban. As many people from the island, he has northern Spanish roots, so he decided to take the chance of being here to visit his grandfather's small village, Caroya, that we were not even able to find it in maps, despite Google seems to know everything!  So, together with his wife, they took a bus and got themselves to Asturias, Galicia's neighbour region. A couple of days later, we got the great news that Mr. and Mrs. Fernández had found the grandfather's old house, which was still standing. They also met some people that had memories and interesting information about his family. Mario could enter the house and look through the same window where the old man used to see the ships sailing away while thinking "When I'm old enough, I'll go to Cuba in one of those".

We want to thank this lovely couple for sharing with us their excitement and the happy ending of this touching family story, and for sending us the photos that you will find below :-D